Hippie Killing Machine

I recently found out that President Obama has announced the release of the new F/A 18 Hornet strike fighter that runs on a blend of conventional jet fuel and biofuel. The first flight, scheduled for Earth Day, will burn several thousand pounds of biofuel derived from the Camelina Sativa plant, a close cousin of Cannabis Sativa, an illegal plant in the USA and much of the world. The aircraft has been dubbed the "Green Hornet", even though it is the most prodigious fuel burner of all US naval aircraft.
I trawled the web to find some fuel consumption stats to compare them with, say, a fleet of hundreds of humvees tearing down the road at full throttle, but alas, such information appears to be classified. Needless to say, this thing's engines are thirsty. It is therefore hardly surprising that Mr. Obama, in his prudence, has paid lip service to the benefits derived from making this thing burn plants that are a few weeks, rather than a few million years, old.
That said, hasn't anyone noticed the blatant subversion of the ecological movement by labelling this thing 'green' and launching it on Earth Day (when it will fly around and add several tons of CO2 to the atmosphere)? It is a killing machine. If it was plugged frontways into your house it would drain it of air in less than a second, and backwards, in just as much time, fill it with more than enough noxious gas to kill your entire family. And yes, even when it's running on biofuel.
This is part of a pattern that George Orwell first brought to our attention. In the same speech, Obama actually said the words "clean" and "coal technology" in sequence. He also said "We will not be guided by political ideology but by scientific evidence" when referring to expanding offshore oil drilling. Last time I checked, ramping up fossil fuel production meant bringing ecological collapse that much closer and an obvious nod to the oil cartels which actively squash (by means of coersion and murder) real clean technologies (the pefectly viable kinds that run on water, geokinetics and sunlight and produce no pollution).
The teabaggers (bless their misguided souls) are right on one thing. Obama is a liar (it comes with the job). But remember, he is just a mouth. A puppet. He does the bidding of others, hidden behind his charisma.
We, as people who would like to leave a healthyish planet for our children to inherit, can subvert these hidden monsters dressed as men by refusing to buy their bullshit. We create our own truth thank you. We create our own intentions. We are insulted by such oxymorons as 'a greener military' and 'fighting for freedom'. What a load of crap. We envision a future in which these monsters and the machinations of their war factory are exposed for all to see. Manufactured enemies and conflicts will then have no sustenance, and war itself will die.
Labels: Obama Green Hornet Earth Day CO2 ecology global warming war on terror Orwell orwellian liar biofuels
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