A Letter to a British MP
Dear Mr. Gilbert
I am unaware as to whether you voted for or against an attack on Syria last week. I am sure, though, that you are well aware of the fact that the chemical weapons pretext is being used in the same vein as the Gulf of Tonkin incident and the Iraq WMD debacle. The only difference is that the truth is known before the fact: Russia has produced irrefutable evidence to the UN that the sarin used in the attack cannot have come from the Syrian military and the rebels have admitted to misusing sarin provided by Saudi Arabia in the recent attack on Aleppo.
Thus, as a British Citizen and a descendant of a St. Austell family, I urge you to take or maintain a stand against the planned attack that clearly only serves the corporate interests benefiting Mr. Cameron et al. A British attack on Syria can only escalate violence and human rights abuses in that sovereign nation.
I urge you, in coming debates and votes on the issue, to consider an important question and encourage your fellow MPs to do the same: are you a human or a corporation?
Dylan James Lawson Brown B.Soc.Sci(Hons)